
Welcome to Notre Dame School

At Notre Dame School, we believe that Christ is our model for living and loving and learning. Living in relationship with Jesus, sharing the Good News with others, loving unconditionally so that everyone can realize his/her God given gifts and learning to be life long learners. To view our complete family handbook, click here.

Notre Dame is a Pre-K to Grade 6 school with a wide variety of programming available. We offer full day Kindergarten with a Monday, Wednesday, alternating Friday option and a Tuesday, Thursday, alternating Friday option. In addition, we offer a full time option for kindergarten with our kindercare program.  Click here for our kindercare program registration form.  We are very proud to offer programs, such as, athletic excellence, and french immersion.  Feel free to contact school administration for details of our extensive program options.

Bell Times

Education Plan 2024 - 2025

Education Plan 2023 - 2027

Annual Education Results Report 2022-2023

Safe and Caring

Our school is a safe and caring school. We value each child’s safety with the utmost importance. At Notre Dame, we give students the skills to work problems out with their peers and we give them support if they cannot solve a problem on their own. We strive to maintain our safe and caring school through the following actions:

  • a respectful and caring school culture
  • safety and security
  • a focus on teaching and learning
  • positive relationships among students and staff
  • social and behavioural expectations
  • community involvement

Inclusive Education

Notre Dame School is a designated inclusive education school for STAR Catholic in Leduc. We offer special services for students needing full time assistance and palliative care.

In addition, Notre Dame School offers inclusive education classes for long term assistance in language arts and/or mathematics in the elementary learning centre. Furthermore, we offer reading recovery programming including early literacy intervention.


Notre Dame School meets the needs of the 21st century learner through engagement, inquiry, and fun. Each classroom at Notre Dame has an interactive whiteboard learning tool for creative lessons, group research, critical thinking through media, and engaging learning.

In addition to interactive white boards, students have access to additional computers in their classroom, video conferencing technology for virtual fieldtrips and class projects, and two cutting edge wireless mobile computer labs for project-based learning, inquiry, and critical thinking.