Inclement Weather Procedure

As we get into the colder months of the year, we want to remind parents of the district's cold weather policy, which we follow. If it is -25 or colder (including wind chill), our staff will open the student doors at 8:21 and students will be allowed to come into the school to wait in their classroom with their teacher. If it is warmer than -25 (including wind chill) doors will not open up until our regular time at 8:31. We will use the Weather Network to determine this temperature. Please refrain from dropping off your child earlier than 8:21 every day, and especially on cold days, as we don't have indoor supervision available on any given day until 8:21 a.m. Thanks for your understanding as we work together to ensure the safety of the children. Please click here for Division AP 318 on Inclement Weather.